White clay paste
Prepared to US OSHA, CMA, ANSI, Canadian WHMIS Standards, Australian WorkSafe, Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Z 7250:2000, and European Directives
Date of creation of this sheet: 05/10/2007
Date of revision: 28/02/2016
1.Company details :
Company: Oriental Group
Address: N°200 Lot Elmassar, Z.I Sidi Ghanem
Route de Safi 40 000
Telephone Number: +212 524 335 449
Tell urgency: +212 600 604 387
Product identification: White Clay paste.
Chemical Identifications: Paste
FEMA No: Not available
Composition: Water, White clay (natural powder); Glycerin; dehydroacetic acid and benzyl alcohol; Citrus bigaradia oil, Argane oil and Polysorbate 20, extract of orange blossom.
Note: All WHMIS required information is included in appropriate sections based on the ANSI Z400.1-2010 format. This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR, EU Directives and the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Z 7250:2000
EU Labeling and Classification:
This product does meet the definition of a hazardous substance or preparation as defined by the European Union Council Directives 67/548/EEC, 1999/45/EC, 1272/2008/EC and subsequent Directives.
3.1 Physical - Chemical
Hazards :
Explosion : None identified.
Flammable : This product is non-combustible.
Oxidizing : Not applicable.
Toxic : None
Radioactive : Not
Corrosive : None identified.
Miscellaneous : None
3.2 Environmental Hazards
: None identified.
3.3 Health Hazards
Acute Effects Swallowed : May cause abdominal pain, maybe harmful.
ingestion of liquid can cause gastric distress and mild diarrhoea.
Eye : Essentially non-hazardous
Skin : Essentially non-hazardous
Inhalation : May be harmful.
Chronic Effects : Essentially
Mutagenic Effects : Essentially
Reproductive Effects : None
Carcinogenic Effects : None
Sensitisation : None
Infectious : Not applicable.
0 = Insignificant
1 = Slight
2 = Moderate
3 = High
4 = Extreme
3.4 Label Elements :
All labeling complies with
the EU regulations. No chemicals or nanoparticals are used in this product.
This product has not been
tested on animals and no animal bi-products have been used during the manufacturing process.
4. First aid measures
4.1 Eye Contact : Flush
immediately with clean water for at least 15 minutes.
Ensure irrigation under eyelids. Do not try to remove contact
lenses unless trained.
a physician as necessary.
4.2 Skin Contact : Remove any contaminated clothing and
Clean before re-use. Wash affected areas thoroughly with soap
and water for at least 15 minutes.
Contact a physician as
4.3 Inhalation : Remove
from the exposure to fresh air. If breathing has stopped,
artificial respiration and oxygen if available.
Contact a physician as necessary.
4.4 Ingestion : Do
Not induce vomiting.
Wash out mouth with water and give water slowly to dilute [as
much as casualty can comfortably
drink] provided person is conscious.
Never give liquid to a person
showing signs of being sleepy or with
reduced awareness; i.e.
becoming unconsciousness.
Contact a physician or local
poison control centre immediately.
If vomiting occurs, lean patient forward or place on left side
[headdown position, if possible] to maintain open airway and prevent
4.5 Advice to Doctor : Treat
symptomatically. Note the nature of this product.
5. Fire - Fighting measures
5.1 Extinguishing
Media : Use CO2 Dry Powder or
Foam type Extinguishers, spraying
Recommended : extinguishing media to base of flames.
Do not use direct water jet on burning material.
5.2 Special Measures : Keep away from sources of ignition. Do not
Wear protective clothing.
5.3 Extinguishing
procedures : Closed containers may built up pressure when exposed to heat and
should be cooled with water spray.
6. Accidental release measures
6.1 Personal
Precautions : Use of
self-contained breathing apparatus is recommended for any major chemical spill.
Refer also to section 8.
6.2 Safety Precautions : Ventilate area. Determine the need to
evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan.
6.3 Environmental Precautions : Keep away from drains, surface and ground
Report spills to appropriate
Authorities if required.
6.4 Methods For Cleaning Up : Contain spill and recover free product.
Absorb remainder on
vermiculite or other suitable absorbent material.
Wipe small spills with cloth. Clean with hot water and
detergent. Refer also to Section 13 for disposal procedures.
7. Handling and storage
7.1 Handling : Avoid inhalation and contact with skin
and eyes. Good personal .
hygiene practices should be used. Wash after any contact, before
breaks and meals, and at the end of the work period. Contaminated clothing and
shoes should be cleaned before re-use.
7.2 Storage : Not a hazardous material. Not a Scheduled
Containers should be kept closed in order to minimise
contamination.Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated place protected from light.
Keep from extreme heat. Do not allow product to solidify in
filled, closed containers as product expands upon freezing.
7.3 Unsuitable Packaging
Materials : None established.
7.4 Special Procedures : None established.
8. Exposure controls and personal protection
Ventilation and Engineering Controls: Use with adequate ventilation to ensure exposure levels are maintained below the limits provided above.
The following information on appropriate Personal Protective Equipment is provided to assist employers in complying with OSHA regulations found in 29 CFR Subpart I (beginning at 1910.132) or equivalent standard of Canada, or standards of EU member states (including EN 149 for respiratory PPE, and EN 166 for face/eye protection), and those of Japan. Please reference applicable regulations and standards for relevant details.
Respiratory Protection:
Not required for properly ventilated areas. Maintain airborne contaminant concentrations below guidelines listed above, if applicable. If necessary, use only respiratory protection authorized in the U.S. Federal OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134), equivalent U.S. State standards, Canadian CSA Standard Z94.4-93, the European Standard EN149, or EU member states.
Eye Protection:
Safety glasses or goggles are recommended.
If necessary, refer to U.S. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.133, Canadian Standards, and the European Standard EN166, Australian Standards, or relevant Japanese Standards.
Hand Protection:
Chemical resistant gloves are recommended to prevent skin contact.
If necessary, refer to U.S. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.138, the European Standard DIN EN 374, the appropriate Standards of Canada, Australian Standards, or relevant Japanese Standards.
Body Protection:
Use body protect appropriate to task being performed.
If necessary, refer to appropriate Standards of Canada, or appropriate Standards of the EU, Australian Standards, or relevant Japanese Standards.
If a hazard of injury to the feet exists due to falling objects, rolling objects, where objects may pierce the soles of the feet or where employee’s feet may be exposed to electrical hazards, use foot protection, as described in U.S. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.136.
9. Physical data and chemical properties
9.1 General information:
Appearance (Physical State and Color): This product is a grayish to brownish fine powder
Odor: Odorless
Odor Threshold: Not Available
PH: 6-9
Melting/Freezing Point: >1500°C
Boiling Point: Not Available
Flash Point: Not Applicable
Evaporation Rate: Not Available
Flammability (Solid; Gas): Not Available
Upper/Lower Flammability or Explosion Limits: Not Available
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg @ 20°C (68° F): Not Available
Vapor Density: Not Available
Relative Density: Not Available
Specific Gravity: Not Available
Solubility in Water: Insoluble
Weight per Gallon: Not Available
Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water): Not Available
Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not Available
Decomposition Temperature: Not Available
Viscosity: Not Available
10. Stability and Reactivity
The product is stable non-reactive. Avoid strong oxidising agents.
11. Toxicological information
11.1 Information on Toxicological Effects:
Toxicity Data: No data available
Suspected Cancer Agent:
Ingredients within this product are not found on the following lists: FEDERAL OSHA Z LIST, NTP, IARC, or CAL/OSHA and therefore are not considered to be, nor suspected to be, cancer-causing agents by these agencies.
Skin: May cause irritation.
Eyes: May cause irritation.
Inhalation: May cause irritation.
Sensitization to the Product: This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization.
Reproductive Toxicity: No specific information is available concerning the effects of this product and its components on the human reproductive system.
12. Ecological information
No ecological hazards are associated with this product. Itis biodegradable.
13. Disposal considerations
Dispose of according to local, state and federal regulations.
14. Transport information
Non Hazardous / Non-flammable
- No shipping restrictions according to ADR (road, directive 94/55/CE), RID
(rail, directive 96/49/CE), IMDG (sea),ICAO/IATA (air).
15. Regulatory information
15.1 Safety, Health and Environmental Regulations Specific for the Substance or Mixture:
United States Regulations:
U.S. SARA Reporting Requirements: The components of this product are subject to the reporting requirements of Sections 302, 304, and 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
Act as follows: None
U.S. SARA Threshold Planning Quantity: There are no specific Threshold Planning Quantities for the components of this product. The default Federal MSDS submission and inventory requirement filing threshold of 10,000 lbs (4,540 kg) therefore applies, per 40 CFR 370.20.
U.S. CERCLA Reportable Quantity: None
U.S. TSCA Inventory Status: The components of this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory or are exempted from listing.
Other U.S. Federal Regulations: None known
California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act (Proposition 66): This product does not contain ingredients on the Proposition 65 Lists.
15.2 Canadian Regulations:
Canadian DSL/NDSL Inventory Status: Components are DSL Listed, NDSL Listed and/or are exempt from listing
Other Canadian Regulations: Not applicable
Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) Priorities Substances Lists: This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations.
Canadian WHMIS Classification and Symbols: This product is a D2B, Materials causing other toxic effects, per WHMIS Controlled Product Regulations.
15.3 European Economic Community Information:
This product meets the definition of a hazardous substance or preparation as defined by the European Union Council Directives 67/548/EEC, 1999/45/EC, 1272/2008/EC and subsequent Directives.
Chemical Safety Assessment: No Chemical Safety Assessment has been carried out for this substance/mixture by the supplier.
15.4 Australian Information for Product:
Components of this product are listed on the International Chemical Inventory list.
15.5 Japanese Information for Product:
Japanese Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Status: The components of this product are not listed as Class I Specified Chemical Substances, Class II Specified Chemical Substances, or Designated chemical Substances by the Japanese MITI.
15.6 International Chemical Inventories:
Listing of the components on individual country Chemical Inventories is as follows:
Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS): Listed
Korean Existing Chemicals List (ECL): Listed
Japanese Existing National Inventory of Chemical Substances (ENCS): Listed
Philippines Inventory if Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS): Listed
U.S. TSCA: Listed
16. Packaging
Glass : Yes
Lacquer lined/Steel/Tin : Yes
Aluminium : Yes
HPPE : Yes
F/HDPE : Yes
Other Plastic : Be aware of using Acrylics due to oil leakage
17. Disclaimer
The customer should satisfy
themselves that the product is suitable for the intended purpose, and that a
suitable and sufficient assessment of any risks created by any activity using
this product is undertaken before use.
The information above is
based upon our current state of knowledge about the product at the time of
publication. The data is given in good faith and is designed only as guidance
to users of possible risks. This safety sheet cannot cover all possible
situations which the user may experience during processing. We do not assume
any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of this product.